As part of the evening activities, I sometimes create a multipuzzle extravaganza for the other teachers to solve.
No knowledge of computer science is necessary to solve the puzzles.
You can find all the files for each set at the links below. Happy solving!
- Puzzle Night 1: based on both the A and AB exam questions that year
- Puzzle Night 2: based on both the A and AB tests
- Puzzle Night 3: Watch Your Language (based on programming languages)
- Puzzle Night 4: Renaissance Man (in honor of Jody Paul)
- Puzzle Night 5: This Time, It's Personal (since I was taking a hiatus from the grading)
- Puzzle Night 6: It's Baaack! (based on sequels)
- Puzzle Night 7: Be Inspired!
- Puzzle Night 8: Relax!
- Puzzle Night 9: Remote Possibilities (apps for connecting during COVID)
- Puzzle Night 10: Homebound